週五, 21 十月 2022 16:22

【代轉】文資系季閤培(Brice Girbal) 助理教授徵聘課程TA

【代轉訊息】文資系季閤培(Brice Girbal) 助理教授徵聘課程TA


Dear Students,


I am currently looking for teaching assistants (TA) to help me translate classes (live interpretation) in the ‘Cultural Heritage Conservation Department’. These are paid positions and would be a great way to practice language and interpretation skills.


I need TAs for two classes:


‘Study on Cultural Heritage Conservation Science’ – 5903 (Tuesdays 1-3pm)

‘Introduction to Archaeology’ – 5830 (Tuesdays 3-5pm)


If anyone is interested, please contact me by email at: girbaltw@yuntech.edu.tw


Thank you very much.


Kind regards,


Brice Girbal

(Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Department)

閱讀 1342 次數

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