II-2-1中級英語簡報教學大綱 | ||
科目名稱(Course):(中文)中級英語簡報 (英文 English)Intermediate English Presentation Skills |
科目代碼: | ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 | 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 |
教學內容綱要 (Course outline and content): This course will cover presenting techniques, the composition, structure, and effective delivery of a presentation, and the vocabulary and useful expressions for English presentations. Among the other issues addressed are body language, visuals, and interaction with the audience. |
系所主管簽章: | 年 月 日 學年度第 次系所務會議通過。 |
II-2-2中級英語簡報課程規劃 Intermediate English Presentation Skills Course Description |
課程綱要 Course Outline |
Intermediate English Presentation Skills is a course that helps students to give effective presentations in English. |
教學目標 Objective |
The course is for students with at lease a level of CEF B1 (equivalent to 550 points on the TOEIC test). This course aims to help students prepare for and give effective presentations in English. In order to meet these objectives, students will first learn how to organize their thought process. Second, they will demonstrate a clear purpose, and give enough facts to support their position during the presentations. Finally, hey will be able to defend their views while being questioned by an audience. |
字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement |
4500 words | |||
修課規定 Course Criteria |
學分 Credit(s) |
2 credits, 1 semester | ||
管考指標 Evaluation |
學習目標 Learning Content |
The content of the course is divided into six units from Effective Presentation Skills by Massoud Moslehpour and will be covered during an eighteen-week semester. Unit One: Get Started… deals with the topic selection, essential presentation introduction, including welcoming your audience, introducing yourself, and dealing with nervousness. Unit Two: Visuals provides information about presentation tools, for example, using approximate numbers, creating different types of visuals, describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals effectively. Unit Three: Vocal Delivery introduces tips for a successful delivery, e.g., volume, breathing, pace, articulation, and intonation. Unit Four: Non-Vocal Delivery covers non-vocal communication, such as facial expressions, body postures, and gestures. Unit Five: Conclusion discusses the strategies for a good conclusion and how to handle question and answer sessions |
溝通技能 Communication Skill |
聽力 Listening |
口說 Speaking |
閱讀 Reading |
寫作 Writing |
能力敘述 Description |
I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. |
Spoken Interaction: |
I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. |
I can write effective presentations based on the accepted structure and organization. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write person letters describing experiences and impressions. |
建立教材 Material(s) |
可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for |
Students who intend to pursue a career in the international business will benefit from this course. |