II-9-1進階職場英文寫作教學大綱 | ||
科目名稱(Course):(中文)進階職場英文寫作 (英文 English)Advanced Business Writing |
科目代碼: | ■大學部課程 □研究所課程 | 講授-實習-學分:2-0-2 |
教學目標(Objective): CEF B1-B2 (equivalent to an intermediate- high intermediate level of writing on the TOEIC test). The objectives of this course are to improve students’ ability to:
教學內容綱要 (Course outline and content): The course hopes to improve students’ writing ability in order that they may be able to respond fast and accurately to business situations requiring more complex responses. The course is suitable for intermediate level students. |
系所主管簽章: | 年 月 日 學年度第 次系所務會議通過。 |
II-9-2進階職場英文寫作課程規劃 Advanced Business Writing Course Description |
課程綱要 Course Outline |
The course hopes to improve students’ writing ability in order that they may be able to respond fast and accurately to business situations requiring more complex responses. The course is suitable for intermediate level students. | |||
教學目標 Objective |
CEF B1-B2 (equivalent to an intermediate- high intermediate level of writing on the TOEIC test). The objectives of this course are to improve students’ ability to:
字彙量 Vocabulary Requirement |
6500 English function and content words published by the College Entrance |
修課規定 Course Criteria |
學分 Credit(s) |
2 credits, 1 semester | ||
管考指標 Evaluation |
學習目標 Learning Content |
Students will be placed in a simulated situation. They will be given a role (such as an executive or personal assistant) in a commercial company and a tray of realistic business documents. These documents will include a range of complex business communications. Students will read and understand these documents before drafting appropriate responses to them Their responses will take the form of a letter, fax, memo, invitation, press release, article, analytical report or another form of complex communication. Students’ writing will be assessed according to how accurate they have interpreted the source documents, whether their responses convey the message accurately and with appropriate variation of tone and register, and whether their communication achieves the desired result. |
溝通技能 Communication Skill |
聽力 Listening |
口說 Speaking |
閱讀 Reading |
寫作 Writing |
能力敘述 Description |
Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of a wide range of internal and external business communications, e.g. memos and letters, written telephone messages, faxes and emails. |
Objectives: Write concise letters, memos and faxes in response to a wide range of business situations. |
建立教材 Material(s) |
City and Guilds (English for Business Communication, Qualifications Handbook): http://www.cityandguilds.com/documents/ind_general_learning_esol/EBC_qualification_handbook.pdf |
可擔任之職務 Jobs that the students who have completed the course can apply for |
This course is suitable students who anticipate that their work will require them to have the linguistic ability handle the types of reading and writing tasks required of a senior administrator, senior personal assistant, manager or executive. |