Wednesday, 07 September 2022 10:00

Implementation and Improvement - Measures for improvement

1. To understand students’ needs: our school implemented the survey of English courses reform questionnaire. The content of the questionnaire is to understand the needs for students learning English and advices for English courses reform outcome. Based on these questionnaires, we plan the suitable courses for students, improve teaching and learning resources, and improve our quality of English teaching to raise our students’ English proficiency and learning motivations.

2. To improve the English teaching quality: We plan to invite all the English teachers to join the “Conference of Knowledge and skills for English teachers “on the first week of the end of second semester each academic year. The teachers can do the teaching observation of English courses of freshman and sophomore and ESP courses to understand the English requirement, courses focus, teaching objectives, teaching situation and the size of vocabulary that students need to learn.(Appendix III: Agenda and the content for conference.)

3. To establish courses feature: our school plans to change the content of Advanced Reading for sophomore to career English, and then officially name the course: Career English in the future to make our English courses become more efficient and have diversity. The course is designed for students’ needs of entering career field and establishing our English course feature.

4. To renew the teaching method and materials:To choose the suitable unity materials for junior each year and provide the choices for teachers to choose the suitable one, students can raise their learning interests. As for renewing teaching method, we use the Blended Learning. Except for the face to face teaching in class, the online courses and system for test are added gradually to improve students’ English ability.

5. English certificate: The goals of ESP professional English courses are to implement the professional English courses and encourage the students to participate with every kind of test for certificate. For example, Travel English are for the tour guide certificate and the tour manager certificate rather than conversation for taking a trip. We also encourage every department can make the ESP become the required and selective courses. For example, the Technical English is the required course for Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Business English and Converstaion is the required course for International Management Program, the English Business Letter is the selective course for Department of Business Management, and the Technical English is the English course for graduate program in Department of Electronic Engineering.

6. To exempt from taking the English courses of freshman and sophomore: To encourage students who have passed the same level as GEPT intermediate can exempt from taking the English course of freshman. Students who passed the exemption of paper-pencil test and oral test can exempt from taking the English course of sophomore to decrease the number of taking the English course of English and become the small-size class. Also, we encourage the students who have exempted the English courses can join the English Elite Program or select the ESP courses to raise their Professional English ability.

7. To lower down the number of taking English Enhancement: To open the English Enhancement is the supplementary measure for Yuntech: Implementation of requirements for University students’ English proficiency and it is for students who do not pass the English requirement. Since the second semester in 2010, English Enhancement was changed to the selective course for senior. Moreover, students need to sign up English proficiency test out of school at least one time before the fourth year. For senior, they can take the supplementary course. We encourage students to learn English constantly and participate with English proficiency test out of school. We hope that the number of taking the English Enhancement can decrease since 2011.

( Table 10 ) Number of taking the English Enhancement course

Academic year/semester 99/1 99/2
Number 365 307

8. To take the advices from our alumni and people in industrial field: To make our students enter the industrial field smoothly after graduation, we design the related English courses to connect with industries and raise students’ learning interests. We will ask our alumni and professional people in industrial field for advices of improvement of curriculum to make the courses become more practical to use in career.

9. The cooperation of full-time teachers and adjunct teachers: our school hired the outstanding Chinese and foreign full-time lecturers and lower down the number of adjunct teachers since 2007 to help the students in learning. Also, we choose the adjunct lecturers who have high teaching satisfaction to be the English teachers for freshman and sophomore. The full-time contract lecturers not only teach but assist the students or the administrative affair of school.

10. To establish the classroom rules: teachers should establish the classroom rules in the first class each semester and communicate with students to follow those rules. Teacher should correct properly when there is a improper behavior and learn to how to use gestures and body language to control the classroom atmosphere. By these methods, teacher can manage the class in order and make the class atmosphere be suitable for raising the teaching quality.

11. To plan the contract lecturer to be the dual class teacher and cooperate with other department. Teacher would arrange the students to have the English learning counseling in group and help the students know how to learn English to raise students’ English proficiency.

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