Thursday, 21 July 2022 10:53


一、期刊論文Journal Publications (20082018)

1. Yu-Fen Yang*(2018) New language knowledge construction through indirect feedback in web-based collaborative writing. Computer-assisted  Language Learning. 31(4), 459-480.  (SSCI)

2. Yu-Fen Yang*,Gwo-Haur Hwang, and Ruey-Fen Harn(2018) Using a bilingual concordancer for test revisions in EFL writing. Educational Technology & Society. (accepted)

3. Yu-Fen Yang* (2016) Self-directed learning to develop autonomy in an online ESP community. Interactive Learning Environment. 24(7), 1629-1646.  (SSCI)

4. Yu-Fen Yang* (2016) Transforming and constructing academic knowledge through online peer feedback in summary writing. Computer-assisted Language Learning. 29(4),683-702(SSCI) (A & HCI)

5. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) Automatic scaffolding and measurement of concept mapping for EFL students to write summaries. Educational Technology & Society.18(4),273-286. (SSCI)

6. Yu-Fen Yang* and Pei-Yi Hsieh. (2015) Negotiation of meaning to comprehend hypertexts through peer questioning. Language Learning and Technology. 19(2),69-84 (SSCI)

7. Yu-Fen Yang* and Yuan-Yu Lin (2015) Online collaborative note-taking strategies to  foster EFL beginners’ literacy development, System. 52,127-138 (SSCI)

8. Yu-Fen Yang* (2014) Preparing language teachers for blended teaching of summary writing. Computer-assisted Language Learning. 27(3), 185-206. (SSCI, A&HCI)

9. Yu-Fen Yang* and Wen-Ting Meng (2013) The effects of online feedback training on students’ text revision. Language Learning and Technology. 17(2), 220-238. (SSCI)

10. Yu-Fen Yang* and Wen-Chi Chuang (2013) Instructional scaffoldings for a learning disability student in online alphabetic and phonics learning. Journal of Science and Technology, Humanity and Social Studies, 22 (2),181-194. (THCI)

11. Yu-Fen Yang*, Wing-Kong Wong, and Hui-Chin Yeh (2013) Learning to construct English (L2) sentences in a bilingual corpus-based system. System, 41(3), 677-690 (SSCI, A & HCI)

12. Yu-Fen Yang* (2013) Exploring students’ language awareness through intercultural communication  in computer-supported collaborative learning. Educational Technology & Society. 16(2), 325-342. (SSCI) (NSC (NSC100-2410-H-224-017)

13. Yu-Fen Yang* (2012). EFL curriculum reform through students’ learning outcomes in e-portfolios. Studies in English Language and Literature. 30, 1-26. (THCI)

14. Yu-Fen Yang* (2012) Text improvement through online interaction with peers. Journal of Science and Technology, Humanity and Social Studies. 21(2), 139-154. (THCI)

15. Yu-Fen Yang* (2012) Blended learning for college students with English reading difficulties. Computer-assisted Language Learning. 25(5), 393-406 (SSCI, A&HCI) (NSC 99-2410-H-224-021).

16. Yu-Fen Yang* (2011) A reciprocal peer review system to support college students’ writing. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(4), 687-700. (SSCI) (NSC 97-2410-H-224-016-MY2).

17. Yu-Fen Yang* (2011) Engaging students in an online situated language learning environment. Computer-assisted Language Learning, 24(2), 181-198. (SSCI, A&HCI) (NSC 99-2410-H-224-021)

18. Yu-Fen Yang* and Shan-Pi Wu (2011) A collective case study of online interaction patterns in text revisions, Educational Technology & Society. 14 (2), 1-15. (SSCI) (NSC 97-2410-H-224-016-MY2)

19. Hui-Chin Yeh and Yu-Fen Yang (2011) Metacognitive process in online text construction, Educational Technology & Society, 14 (3), 82-101. (SSCI) (NSC 97-2410-H-224-017-MY2)

20. Hui-Chin Yeh and Yu-Fen Yang (2011) Prospective teachers’ insights towards scaffolding students’ writing processes through teacher-student role reversal in an online system.  Educational Technology: Research and Development, 59 (3), 351-368. (SSCI)  (NSC 96-2411-H-224-015).

21. Yu-Fen Yang* (2010) Students' reflection on online self-correction and peer review to improve writing, Computers & Education, 55(3), 1202-1210. (SSCI) (NSC 97-2410-H-224-016-MY2)

22. Yu-Fen Yang* (2010) Developing a reciprocal teaching/learning system for college remedial reading instruction, Computers & Education, 55(3), 1193-1201. (SSCI) (NSC 99-2410-H-224-021).

23. Yu-Fen Yang* (2010) Cognitive conflicts and resolutions in online text revisions: Three profiles, Educational Technology & Society. 13(4), 202-214. (SSCI) (NCS 97-2410-H-224-016-MY2)

24. Hui-Chin Yeh, Yu-Fen Yang, Wing-Kwong Wong (2010) Interaction chain patterns of online text comprehension with lexical cohesion. Educational Technology & Society, 13 (1), 55-68. (SSCI) (NCS 97-2410-H-224-017-MY2)

25. Yu-Fen Yang*, Hui-Chin Yeh, & Wing-Kwong Wong (2010). The influence of social interaction on meaning construction in a virtual community. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(2), 287-306. (SSCI).(NSC 97-2410-H-224-016-MY2) 

26. Yu-Fen Yang*, Wing-Kwong Wong , Hui-Chin Yeh(2009). Investigating readers’ mental maps of referential resolutions in an online system. Computers & Educations , 53(3) , 799-808.(SSCI).(NCS 96-2411-H-224-014 & NCS 95-2520-S-224-001-MY3)

27. Yu-Fen Yang* & Ya-Chen Hung (2009). Developmental progression of referential resolution in comprehending online texts. Educational Technology & Society. 12 (2), pp. 283-297. (SSCI).

28. Yu-Fen Yang, Hui-Chin Yeh, & Wing-Kwong Wong(2008). Constructing mental representation of reference by feedback in a computer system, Computers in Human Behavior , 24(5), 1959-1976. (SSCI). (NSC 96-2411-H-224-014)

29. Yu-Fen Yang* & Ya-Chen Hung (2008). The impact of externalized readers’ mental representation on the comprehension of online texts, Educational Technology and Society. 11(4), 246-264. (SSCI). (NSC 96-2411-H-224-014)

30. Yu-Fen Yang*, Wing-Kwong Wong, Hui-Chin Yeh(2008). A computer system of referential resolution to assess students’ reading comprehension, Educational Technology & Society. 11(4), 173-189. (SSCI). (NSC 96-2411-H-224-014)


二、專書章節Journal Publications (20082018)

1. Yu-Fen Yang* and Hui-Chin Yeh (2012) Challenges and opportunities in developing language e-portfolios. In Cambridge, D. (Ed.) E-Portfolios and Global Diffusion: Solutions for Collaborative Education (pp. 194-212).IGI Global.


三、發明專利Journal Publications (20082018)

1. Yu-Fen Yang, Wing-Kwong Wong, and Hui-Ching Yeh (2013) A System of Enhancing Reading Comprehension (Patent No. I382374).

2. Yu-Fen Yang, Hui-Ching Yeh, and Wing-Kwong Wong (2013) Online System and Method for Reading Texts (Patent No. I406199).

3. Hui-Ching Yeh, Yu-Fen Yang, and Wing-Kwong Wong (2013) Language Learning System and Method I (Patent No. I389065).|

4. Hui-Ching Yeh, Yu-Fen Yang, and Chong-Chuan Hui (2013) Language Learning System and Method II (Patent No. I420434).

5. Hui-Ching Yeh, Yu-Fen Yang, and Chong-Chuan Hui (2014) Computer-assisted Language Learning System (Patent No. I434243).



四、Story writing

1. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) A Perfect Life (完美人生). pp. 1-28.

2. Yu-Fen Yang *(2015) Which One Is Cheaper? (哪一樣較便宜?). pp. 1-32.

3. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) Blessings (祈福). pp. 1-28.

4. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) Demanding Love. (強迫的愛). pp. 1-22.

5. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) Fame and Fortune. (名與利). pp. 1-22.

6. Yu-Fen Yang *(2015) Cultural Conflicts.(文化衝突). pp. 1-32.

7. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) Forget me not.(勿忘我). pp. 1-28.

8. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) Gender difference. (男女大不同). pp. 1-24.

9. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) What should I do? (我該怎麼辦?).pp. 1-32.

10. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) Finding no jobs. (找不到工作). pp. 1-24.

11. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) The only way to be rich.(致富唯一之道). pp. 1-32.

12. Yu-Fen Yang* (2015) A great mother. (偉大的母親). pp. 1-28.







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